Reopening leisure centres, indoor gyms and swimming pools after COVID-19 – risk assessments for councils

Gym and swimming pool

To help you manage the reopening of your leisure centres, indoor gyms and indoor swimming pools, BHIB Councils Insurance have produced two useful risk assessments which outline practical guidance on reopening safely whilst effectively reducing the risks of COVID-19 transmission.

We have put together two risk assessment documents that are completely free for you to download and use:

Re-opening leisure centres and gyms

Re-opening indoor swimming pools

These risk assessment templates cover everything from ensuring there is adequate hand-washing facilities made available to staff and clientele, social distancing measures and the use of PPE to making sure you have measures in place for visiting trainers and instructors, adequate ventilation throughout the facility and more.

Whilst we realise some of the suggested measures may not be practical for your council, the key is that you assess the risk particular to your facilities and take appropriate steps to manage that risk. We have provided some examples of measures that can be taken but these may not be appropriate or achievable for all.

If you would like an editable version of the above risk assessment documents, please contact us.

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Clear Councils Insurance provides specialist insurance solutions for Local and Parish Councils. As part of Clear Insurance Brokers, we have been delivering professional insurance and risk management guidance to our customers for over 50 years.

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