Future-Proofing Your Community Spaces

As part of Communities Week, we wanted to share some thoughts around Community spaces, such as libraries, parks, allotments, pubs, community centres and youth clubs. These spaces provide many valuable benefits to local communities and are essential to sustainability.

Many communities are investing in empty spaces and putting them to good use in order to improve the appearance of a neighbourhood. Well-managed community spaces can boost the local economy and encourage new businesses and visitors from outside the area.

What steps are you taking to ensure future-proofing of your community spaces?

Enhancing and renovating a community space can be expensive and often require a lot of dedicated time by staff members, volunteers and the local community.

In a recent survey by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE), volunteer-time spent in parks and green space is worth between £22 million and £28 million across England each year.*

In a time of public sector budget cutting, Councils cannot afford to have uninsured community assets, if something bad was to happen and whilst accidents are thankfully rare, your Council needs to consider the risks to volunteers, the Council members and property. Local authorities and communities should also consider how to best protect and maximise the benefits of community spaces.

Insuring your community spaces

Councils that are responsible for a community space will need to consider having insurance for this space. You will also need to consider insurance for those who are responsible for the space as well as those who use it.

Important insurance covers for protecting your community spaces:


  • ‘Public Liability Insurance’ is needed to cover members of the public using the site if they become injured or their property is damaged as a result of an accident triggered by you or your employees. Find out more.
  • ‘Property Damage Insurance’ is needed to cover vandalism, damage or loss to community buildings, contents and other assets owned by the Council. This includes playground equipment, street furniture, war memorials and much more. Find out more.
  • ‘Employers’ Liability Insurance’ is needed if your Council has staff, even if they are volunteers. If a staff member is running an event or activity in the community space, this covers your Council staff if they become injured. Find out more.

For more information on insurance for your community spaces, or insurance for your wider Council activities, please email [email protected] or contact us.

Join in the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtag #CommunitiesWeek2019 and tagging @bhibcouncils and @nalc!

*Green Space Employers Survey, CABE, 2010.
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Clear Councils Insurance provides specialist insurance solutions for Local and Parish Councils. As part of Clear Insurance Brokers, we have been delivering professional insurance and risk management guidance to our customers for over 50 years.

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